Energy Therapy and You

We are not healing the past, but correcting the present and preparing your future.

We will praise you for what you are.


How would you like to dramatically reduce your stress and anxiety, feel more peaceful and relaxed, gain perceptual clarity, feel greater joy and confidence, increase your energy, improve your physical health, and awaken you to your holiness? You can do all this by removing imbalances in your human energy field, chakras, and aura. An alternative medicine, I can help you discern and clear blocks from your aura through a practiced focus and spiritual alignment. It is important to remove blocks and increase the energy flow because the more balanced the energy, the healthier we are. Energy blocks or imbalances can cause illness, depression, distort our perceptions, and dampen our feelings. Removing the blocks restores the natural energy flow resulting in feelings of peace and harmony.

This process occurs in a very supportive non-adversarial and non-coercive way. There are no imposed attitudes or beliefs. I able to sense the subtle changes that occur in the aura and chakras to find the blocks and distortions. Through prayer and focus, an altered state of consciousness unfolds, enabling us to engage the imbalances directly in the energy field. Through this spiritual rapport, I am able to assist you to experience transformation and balance. Techniques such as releasing, reframing, healing the memories, and self-forgiveness balance the aura by expanding it into wholeness. I proceed in this manner until all the blocks cleared and your entire energy field is smooth and silky.

When the distortions are gone, your aura resumes integrating your body, mind, and spirit and you regain your natural holistic health and wellness. Your aura is once again fluid, smooth, and energized. It resumes its natural function of nourishing the body and protecting the psyche. Powerful support, strengthening your alignment and clarity. The possibilities are endless. Miracles happen., you can feel clear, centered, and experience a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

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